Linux use is growing at an amazing rate. This operating system, which has no public relations department, advertising, or government lobby, is being used widely in homes and server rooms alike. It’s also free, and 100% open source, meaning anyone can look at each and every line of code in the Linux kernel.
Linux is a true multiuser operating system and has been since the very first version. It is powerful in its simplicity. Though there are robust graphical environments and tools, you can still do everything you could possibly need with just a keyboard and a shell prompt. Since you have the code, you could even make Linux do things it was never meant to.
That’s one of the things that draws both the gurus and the attackers alike. The black-hats have thronged to Linux. It allows them the control they require to do strange and ingenious things. If they want to experiment with new or invalid network packets, they can do so easily without relying on undocumented (or non-existent) API support from the vendor.
Millions of lines of code have been written for Linux applications and libraries, usually in an extremely modular manner, which allows it to be integrated into widely diverse projects. For example, a library that allows you to sniff the network for proactive performance monitoring could be used as part of network hijacking code.
The power and flexibility of Linux make it the hacker’s playground. They use it, learn it, and understand it intimately. And that means that if there’s an insecurity, they’re going to find it. However, the very reasons the hackers like Linux are the same reasons more folks are installing it on their own systems today.
The ability to look at each and every line of Linux code, and patch it when problems arise, means that Linux can be secured not just by a few programmers locked away in some corporate headquarters, but by any user at any time.
Why Do Hackers use LINUX?
1. Low cost: You don’t need to spend time and money to obtain licenses since Linux and much of its software come with the GNU General Public License.
2. Stability: Linux doesn’t need to be rebooted periodically to maintain performance levels. It doesn’t freeze up or slow down over time due to memory leaks and such. Continuous up-times of hundreds of days (up to a year or more) are not uncommon.
3. Network friendliness: Linux was developed by a group of programmers over the Internet and has therefore strong support for network functionality; client and server systems can be easily set up on any computer running Linux. It can perform tasks such as network backups faster and more reliably than alternative systems.
4. Flexibility: Linux can be used for high-performance server applications, desktop applications, and embedded systems.
5. Compatibility: It runs all common Unix software packages and can process all common file formats.
6. Full use of hard disk: Linux continues work well even when the hard disk is almost full.
7. Multitasking: Linux is designed to do many things at the same time; e.g., a large printing job in the background won’t slow down your other work.
8. Open Source: If you develop software that requires knowledge or modification of the operating system code, Linux’s source code is at your fingertips. Most Linux applications are Open Source as well.
9. Fast and easy installation: Most Linux distributions come with user-friendly installation and setup programs. Popular Linux distributions come with tools that make installation of additional software very user-friendly as well.
Maybe you should research more important issues, like why they like orange soda
lol.. 😛
Because Orange Soda is ambrosia in a plastic bottle, that’s why!
wow! good info
Nice info bro 🙂
Yeah very nice article, i preferer kali linux for the hack 😉
Did you know, it used to be called Back Track? The left that distro and move on to Kali, BT is now obsolete, it was a good distro, though it’s sister distro Kali has almost all the same things, even the same slogan on the wallpaper 😀 “The quieter you are, the more you are able to hear” I think it is 😀 Great stuff, very powerful too, I hope you use it for the good 😉 I absolutely hate black hats.
it doesn’t seems like that 😀
Hey numbers 7 & 8 are both multitasking.
not bad …but you are forgeting about the hardware..
1- the openGL drivers presents better results in a linux system than apple pcs “personal computers”
2- since 2006 that linux presents better results in benchmark tests than apple
3 – the fredon to do what ever you want in the kernel/softawre/drivers etc
3- and what about virus/vuln? we have less virus/vuln made to that platform,
thats the reazon why big companies use linux (NASA,NSA,CERN,USA ARMY,PIXAR,DREAMWORKS,HOLLYWOOD) and thats the reazon why in
the 500 supercomputers top list 97% runs linux kernel
I use linux because its good, not because its beutifull !!!
I use Linus because it is reliable and robust. There is no attempt to “commercially exploit” anything. Regarding Windows: that you can write code that Windows will accept and let in is a Microsoft problem, and this can be exploited possibly easier on a Windows computer.
Some of us rely on being available every day, that the computer boots every morning and without swearwords and curses. It is a free world and Linux is an option that is most likely the most secure and reliable around. So, I use Mint or Mac.. It is neat when a disk has crashed to have tools to restore it – try that on Windows!
items #7 & #8 are the same 😀
7 & 8 are the same.
In the Bright Land of Linux, where the Hacker plays…
Thanks for the info Vicky…
I was wondering Whats the best distribution of linux for an absolute beginning like my self
Check out the ubuntu os
hello sir i have a linux os which will instel on windows 7 but i having no idea how to instel that help me to instel linux on windows 7…………..
look software like virtual machine n get linux iso from source start setup in virtual machine from internet based tutorials here reffer this site for software
thanks for info
Nice… Checkout some cool stuffs at
Congrats – you managed to create an entire list where not a single item had *anything* to do with why Linux is the choice for most hackers. Not ONE!
you probably don’t understand or you don’t want to or you came here only to write this comment . Cheers
Actually he’s 100% correct, we like to ux for ease of setting shell proxy chains so we can ddos and sqli inject the f out of this website without our OS reporting our activities to its creator, we like Linux coz it’s an 11gig OS not 500, we like Linux for native Python coding so we can reaver your email from home, and attack appears to come from India, try capturing, sniffing and cloning packets in Windows and in two lines of command, I could go on…
How to downloaf setup of linux..
sahi ho
Fantastic article!
But in my opinion, Linux is a very good platform for hackers/cracker/professional’s because, the path to become a professional is learning a million new stuff and the freedom to experience and interact with the drivers and the core of a machine itself that is not available in any other platforms so far.
exactly .. thanks for sharing 🙂
Does linux additional software for programming?
Does linux need additional software for programming?
MacOS is Unix BSD – but with the Mach kernel.
So as far as you are concerned, MacOS shares all your points, and is also free with a Mac computer.
Apple also pick a lot of code from the Linux repositories – and many Linux applications – even Gimp is available on Mac.
i really want to install linux in my computer but i can not decide FEDORA or UBUNTU what do you think is the best one?
Hacker is not cracker ffs. And most crackers are running windows and use cracking tools without understand a sh1t !
I have my doubts that the author used Linux himself or even talked with someone that knows something about Linux. For example the reboot/maintenance part. Yes it is true that kernel modules can be inserted without reboot but that doesn’t mean it does not require a reboot once in a while. Some libraries are still in memory and only a reboot will force them to load newer versions from disk. Also robust graphical interface… Far from it. Try to install gnome on latest Ubuntu. You’ll probably get stuck with a black screen because the lightdm was not able to load correctly. Or things like hardware support (try to get a wifi dongle to work).
Long story short: Linux is great for servers but as soon as a graphical interface is required it’s full of bugs. Same for consumer hardware like wifi or Bluetooth devices…
I’m using Linux too.
I recommend ( [email protected]) he’s a great hacker of all sorts. been working with him for years.