Wearable technology is the latest trend and the greatest milestone of this era are the smart watches. Many numerous companies have come up with their own idea of smart watches providing different functionalities. Some of them are a mere extension of the smartphones, enabling the user to receive notification and calls through the extendable device. While others have progressed a bit further by making it an autonomous phone in itself; in this case it becomes quite difficult to handle it due to less interaction area. One such device to add to this list is Android Wear that extends the functionality of smart watches further then we know.
Google is planning several updates to Android Wear that will unlock new capabilities for existing devices or enable support for new types of hardware. Some of the first updates will come as early as this week. Google has released that “several” updates are coming to its wearable platform before the end of the year, some of which will let you cut the figurative cord. The first smart watches featuring Google’s Android Wear software began shipping a few months ago, but a second round of Android Wear devices from companies including Asus, Motorola, LG, and Sony are on the way. Some of the developers working on Android Wear explained that one new feature will let you pair an Android Wear watch with Bluetooth devices other than your phone. For instance you could pair your watch with a Bluetooth headset to listen to music while you’re out running while you leave your phone at home. Another update will add support for GPS on watches that have that GPS hardware. This will let you use maps or other location-tracking features without a phone. Google will also add support for third-party watch faces which users will be able to download from Google Play Store. There are already some watch face apps available, but Google hasn’t yet released an official API for that feature.
According to Vice President of Engineering for Android Hiroshi Lockheimer, their approach to wearable technology is the same as their approach to any of their products. They want to build technology that delights people by improving their lives. So their approach to wearable technology like watches, Glass, even their recent invention: smart contact lens project which is designed to help people with diabetes measure their glucose; is to build things that people use when they need and forget about. We want wearables to help people stay in the moment, instead of taking people out of it: giving them a safer way to get directions, easily share or record what they see, communicate with others quickly, or get the information they need when they need it. Android Wear watches aren’t like Android phones. You don’t have to wait for your device maker or wireless carrier to implement a new feature. Google will push software updates to devices itself. It is the only entity that you will need, for instance when you go for a jog or a stroll in the park.