Java is a very useful programming language and is not only extremely popular for its efficiency in running on all platforms but also gained much popularity for the fact that it runs independently on all devices that support the particular program.
Another vital advantage of java that greatly attracts users is its excellent performance which enables java based applications to run on Linux, Windows, and Unix etc. To top it all off, the java program is not only good for desktop programs but also works remarkably well on the web and mobile applications.
5 Best Java Programming Courses
Java has a high scope in the industry and is a well-respected skill in the job market. There are a few reputable courses to master the language. Below is the list of some of the best Java courses available on the Internet.
1. Complete Java Masterclass
The Complete Java Masterclass is a much-sought course by the famous instructor Tim Buchlka. The course covers a wide range of topics and the 72-hour long tutorials go through all the major topics in this programming language.
The instructor follows the outline with strong commitment and explains every part of the course in great detail. It currently has over 207,000 students with more than 40,000+ 4.6 ratings. The popularity is due to the excellent quality and the comprehensive material. It is updated over short intervals to integrate the new versions of Java. Summarising this is a complete course suitable for beginners as well as those who have taken a break from programming and are looking to become updated.
Also, Read: 5 Best IDE for Java Programmers and Developers
2. JSP, Servlets, and JDBC for Beginners
This course will remain my top suggestion for those who are willing to learn web development and database connectivity in Java. You will learn to build a fully functioning JSP and Servlets web application from scratch and Set up your JSP/Servlet development environment with Apache Tomcat and Eclipse. The course will provide in-depth knowledge of JSP scripting elements such as Expressions, Scriptlets, and Declarations.
Talking about the advanced concept, It’ll teach you to manage application state with Sessions to track unique user actions, Leverage Cookies to personalize a website for a specific user and Integrate the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) to minimize scriptlet code. With the help of this course, you’ll be able to build a Multi-Lingual app using Internationalization and JSTL.
3. The Complete Java Developer Course
This course is for someone who would like to start from the extreme beginning. It may be a little old but the Java8 syntax is pretty similar to the later versions released. Following the Java 8 syntax, one can easily grasp the later stages as well.
This course covers all the basic ground including variables, methods, control statements and loops and also covers more advanced topics like functional programming. The course syllabi also have Java FX which enables the creation of GUI based applications.
4. Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer!
If you already know how to code in Java but wants to know how it all actually works then this is what you need to learn. This course as seen from its title goes deep into programming. It details the features and workings of the programming language. The instructor is very comprehensive and has a way of getting the students to understand the required material.
It is more suited to experienced programmers. The course mainly has more presentations and less of example. So overall, if you are going for a job interview, this course will help you gain more confidence in your answers.
5. Java 9 Programming for Complete Beginners in 250 Steps
This course is a relatively new one to be seen on Udemy. and It’s totally FREE!! It uses Java 9 which is a new program so is the most updated one to be used. This course is very detailed and covers most topics which are important. The course structure is very detailed and follows a step by step method to achieve its target.
The course is suited most for those who intend to learn Java for a job interview. The course is right now free on Udemy but will soon become paid. Once you have subscribed as a user, you will be able to access it even when it is locked.
Overall, one can easily master the skills of Java is given the determination to follow through with a complete course. The internet offers many chances for a person to enhance his or her skills and this is one of those which can greatly add to a CV and improve the job chances of an individual. You can also check my list of 5 Best Online Programming Courses for Beginners.