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Astounding New Leica X-E

Astounding news for the photography fans! Leica has introduced its new update Leica X-E. Carrying heavy weighted, protruding lens camera are highly overrated. It is


Aeromobil: The Flying Car

Technological advancement should keep its proportion with nature. The technology that goes with the nature is true progress in essence.  Recently we have quite forgotten

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It’s Time to Fly: Hoverbike

An era ago, the picture of future was painted in bright colors, totally hi-tech with flying cars and moving pavements just like the escalators do.


Smart Shirts: Ralph Lauren Design

Smart is the age and ‘smart’ is the new trend. We look forward to smart solutions, smart employees, smart computers ( laptops ), smart phones

ringly smart ring

Ringly: The Smart Ring

Fashion trends are constantly changing, everyday something new hits the market. With the advancing evolution in technology, fashion and technology are being considered one single


Alarm Clock That Makes Your Coffee

Not everybody is a morning person. Many would be, if only it started at noon. The most difficult thing about morning is to get out


AQUOS Smartscreen for Smartphones

Smartphones, as considered by many is a marking stone in the advancement of the technology, the current trends that we are witnessing. It has been

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Paro: The Therapeutic Robot

The concept of interaction with animals used for therapy is a well- established one. We all are aware about therapy dogs who help and comfort

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OM Audio’s levitating Bluetooth Speaker

Who doesn’t like such devices which bring our sci-fi dreams seem true. Time has brought us to witness many devices which were once seemed impossible

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Transformers are Here: Origami Robot

With the latest release of Transformers: Age of Extinction, the transformers fever is on. Till this date the world has witnessed numerous inventions, robot topping

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Secure Your Home with Ninja Sphere

The trend of smart devices is on. Starting from PC to tablets and cellphone, all devices have come out of their shells to display a

Fujisofts PALRO Humanoid Robot

Now You can be Pals with a Robot: Palro

Robotics and telecommunication industries have always been in competition neck to neck. If one comes up with a new design, the other is bound to