Pornhub is the largest adult video sharing website on the internet. This website has a large collection of sexually explicit content in around 11 languages. In a recent interview given by the vice-president of the website made a sensational revelation about their new venture.
Pornhub, which has considered the interests only of the people who are inclined to porn videos, has decided to develop a new section on their website with all the other categories of videos. They are, in fact, moving with the aim to defeat all the rival video companies, like YouTube.
The vice-president of the website, Corey Price also said that they have already more 10,000 members on their website. They also receive hundreds of signups every day. He also added that they have recently changed the name of their amateur programme to the model programme. This is done to help all their content makers who upload their self-made contents regularly for the purpose of ad revenue and promotion to the various cam shows and paid clip sites. This is also one of the most important programmes of the Pornhub.
In the current scenario, where a number of discriminatory practices and violence are prevailing, the video sharing websites like YouTube has narrowed down the number of categories of videos allowed on their website. Recently, they have also restricted the users from uploading any gun videos due to the several massacres that have happened across the US. They have also cracked down the videos which contain hate speech, bullying, and conspiracy theories.
These restrictions made by the other websites have widened the opportunities of the PornHub. As per the statement received from the senior community manager of the website, Katie, they will soon provide a section where the people can upload the videos other than the sexually explicit contents.
Due to the restrictions, many people are in search of a proper platform to bring their videos into the limelight. The PornHub has decided to provide them with this platform. As per Katie, in spite of the huge fan following on their website, there are a lot of people who do not approach them because of their affiliation with the porn videos. By adding a section which is entirely different from their usual content, will also help to increase the number of members of the website.
They also hope for more restrictions to be implemented by the video sharing websites so that they will be able to use it to their advantage. The PornHub is currently all set to start their venture and announce it to the world that they are indeed similar to the websites like YouTube. They intend to widen their popularity with this new section.
If this section will be utilized by all the people across the world or will it be ignored because of its affiliation with porn, is yet to be witnessed. However, the owners of the PornHub are in high spirits to launch the latest addition to their website as soon as possible.
Go for it and good luck I say. Stasi Tube and Goolag need alternatives that dont punish people because they dont agree with the screaming harpies on the far-left.
And the far-right.
There are sites, like Vimeo. There are also the old ones – MySpace is alive, just not thriving.
The problem is to manage the right of videos you upload and then pay those that uploaded for the content, as the site is paid for the adverts and traffic generated.
In old days, we had the “labels” that artists had signed up with e.g. Sony to just use them for the music. Google provided the adverts and the payment and the cents generated every time you visit and click on a video results in large payouts. The future of all these will require that they have a place in the “ecosystem” : Advertisers, promotions, marketing that pays, the sites, and the owner of the content “Click-bait”. The better you can pay for content, the more relevant content will come. There is an opening for content that Youtube decline to show – porn, hate and violence. But I fear this will be an open sewer.